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The first annual Markham Temple Fair in Markham Chinese Heritage Month Celebration was successfully held at New Kennedy Square

The first annual Markham Temple Fair in Markham Chinese Heritage Month Celebration was successfully held at New Kennedy Square from February 10th to 18th (New Kennedy Square, 8360 Kennedy Road, Markham (Kennedy and Hwy7).

On February 10th, the first day of the Lunar New Year, the theme of the Markham Temple Fair was original music and multiculturalism.

Musicians including Wayne Manner, winner of the Annual Best Original Record Award from Oshawa, Beige Shelter original music band from Mississauga, and JDL Performing Arts School’s Broadway Music and Dance Troupe brought diverse cultural performances to the community.

On February 11th, the theme was the auspicious Dragon Year Variety Show and Lion Dance to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Thanks to the Ontario Community Senior Grant, renowned musicians Joanna Ng and Lilian Yang led the high-level COFN’s Elderly Chinese Orchestra bringing joyous Chinese music for the Lunar New Year celebration.

Contemporary dance by the KCPA, traditional Chinese dance by Sally Wang Dance Studio, Sichuan Opera face-changing by Zhou Fang, traditional martial arts by Master Ai Shenghua, Chen-style Tai Chi Sword by Master Cheng Xingjun, Chinese and English songs by MK Singing School’s young singers, urban songs by Wu Sheng’s Qiyuan, and Yue Opera by MC Amira Qianchen Yi, all programs ignited the happiness of the audience.  It was a truly joyful Lunar New Year celebration.

Markham City Councillors Amanda Yeung Collucci and Isa Lee led MK Singing School’s young singers and the children from audiences to sing the national anthem.

The renowned Lat Yip Dragon & Lion Dance Troupe's lion dance performance and Master Sun Guoyan led COFN’s Tai Chi fan group performance brought the audience experience of the splendor of cultural heritage such as lion dance and martial arts.

The organizers, Canada One Family Network’s Chairwoman Ms. Zhu Yanyan, and Markham City Councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci, were interviewed by OMNI2 TV, a multicultural television station under Rogers, introducing the first Markham Chinese  Heritage Month and the successful first Markham Temple Fair.

Thanks to Destination Markham for sponsoring the Lunar New Year's great programs, with eight lion teams participating in the celebrations, and also the God of Wealth distributing red envelopes, and a lucky draw!

As a Lunar New Year tourist destination, the Markham Temple Fair attracted nearly 50,000 visitors from different regions of Ontario and other provinces, becoming an annual New Year celebration event.

The Markham Temple Fair featured many art booths and handicraft workshops, offering a wide range of artistic experiences. Thousands of families participated in arts and parent-child activities, enjoying themselves. Markham City Councillor Isa Lee and children painted traditional ink fans and wrote Lunar New Year spirit scrolls with brush.

On February 17th, the theme of the Markham Temple Fair was the dialogue between contemporary jazz and classical music.

Local music talents Corsh Music band, Norah Foo's Yangqin music, and Qin Ziwen's Guzheng performance, as well as CAST Youth String Quartet, brought the audience a different kind of lyrical romance.

On February 18th, the theme was "Flowers Bloom to See Wealth, Lion Dance Welcomes the Prosperous Year."

Exciting variety stage performances, including the New Year's concert by Canadian Chinese Youth Orchestra, classical dance by MStudio, Kung Fu Tai Chi fan by COFN Tai Chi class, and Markham District Councillor Alan Ho led various co-organizing organizations and Alice Ko Singing Group to sing many festive songs to celebrate the New Year together.

The Markham Temple Fair featured a Macau-themed photo exhibition, the Canadian Chinese Autism Awakening Center's Starry New Year Lantern Exhibition, and Starry Talent Workshops, where many children participated in making Lunar New Year lanterns and received souvenirs from Friends of Macau. Exhibitors had the opportunity to win the Most Creative Award and Most Popular Award for their lanterns.

Thanks to the President of the Atlantic Calligraphers Association, Mr. Su Fang, Vice President Mr. He Yusheng, Mr. Rui Jiaqing, Secretary-General Mr. Bi Yunlai, and Chinese painting artist Mr. Ren Jinchang for participating in the Markham Temple Fair, wrote spring scrolls, showcasing traditional literati arts such as Chinese painting, calligraphy, and seal engraving to visitors.

Thanks to the Diamond Sponsors WUKONG EDUCATION and Meisi Kangchen, as well as the venue sponsor New Kennedy Square, various art booths, and artists of handicraft workshops, and all exhibitor sponsors.

Thanks to the media title sponsor YorkBBS, as well as OMNI2 multicultural television station, Sing Tao Daily, A1 Radio, Canadian Times, Chinese Headlines, Chinese Hotspots, Huayi Arts Network, and Legendary Culture for their media coverage.

Sing Tao A1 Chinese Radio AM1540 Urban Pulse (Live Link:




萬錦中華傳統文化月第一屆萬錦廟會於2月10日至18日在新旺角廣場成功舉辦(New Kennedy Square, 8360 Kennedy Road, Markham(Kennedy夾HWY7)



來自加拿大Oshawa 的年度最佳原創唱片獎音樂人Wayne Manner,來自Mississagua的Beige Shelter 原創音樂樂隊、JDL 百老匯音樂歌舞團為社區帶來多元文化的表演藝術。



感謝Ontario Community Senior Grant , 著名音樂家指揮Joanna Ng 和著名琵琶演奏家Lilian Yang 帶領加拿大一同家園文化中心高水準的長者中樂團為新春賀歲帶來歡快的中國音樂。


楓彩藝術團的當代勁舞、Sally王舞蹈工作室的國風古典舞、方舟小朋友的川劇變臉、艾聖華師傅的傳統武術、程興鈞師傅的陳氏太極劍、MK歌唱學校小歌手們的中英文歌曲、吾聲琪媛的都市歌曲、節目主持人Amira易阡辰的越劇, 點燃全場觀眾的情緒,真正的開心過大年。


萬錦市議員Amanda Yeung Collucci 和 Isa Lee 帶領MK Singing School 和現場的小朋友們一起唱國歌。




主辦方一同家園文化中心主席朱彥晏女士、萬錦市議員Amanda Yeung Collucci 接受Rogers旗下多元文化電視颱OMNI2 TV 專訪, 介紹了萬錦第一個中華傳統月,第一屆成功舉辦的萬錦廟會。


感謝Destination Markham 資助農曆新年豐富的賀年節目。八個舞獅參加點睛、採青慶典活動,還有財神派利是及幸運大抽獎!




廟會設有諸多藝術展颱、手工藝製作工作坊,琳瑯滿目。 現場數千家庭參加藝術親子活動,其樂融融。萬錦市議員Isa Lee和孩子一起用傳統水墨畫扇子、揮春龍馬精神。




來自本地的桂冠音樂人Corsh Music組合爵士風歌曲、Norah Foo 小朋友的揚琴節目、秦子雯老師帶來的古箏節目,CAST青年絃樂四重奏讓觀衆領略不一樣的抒情浪漫。




精彩的綜藝舞颱表演包括紅楓華樂青年中樂團新年音樂會、MStudio 小朋友的古典舞蹈、一同家園太極班的功夫太極扇,以及萬錦市區域議員何鬍景帶領一眾協辦機構及Alice Ko 歌友會,與眾同樂,獻唱多首應節賀年歌共慶新年。






感謝鑽石贊助商悟空教育WUKONG EDUCATION和美思康宸Meisi Kangchen 青青老師,以及支持廟會活動的場地贊助新旺角廣場、諸多藝術展颱、手工藝製作工作坊的藝術家,所有參展贊助商家。


感謝媒體冠名贊助約克論壇、以及OMNI2 多元文化電視颱、星島都市網、A1電颱、加拿大時訊、華人頭條、中文熱點、華藝新聞網、傳奇文化等媒體報道。 約克論壇媒體冠名讚助(報道鏈接: ) 星島A1中文電颱AM1540都市脈搏(直播鏈接:



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