Canada One Family Network proudly presented in celebration, the second Age of Literati Cultural Festival Concert “Memories of the Great Wall” at the Markham Flato Theater on October 10th 2017. This was a particularly challenging event as the performances were developed to be as close to the original traditional performances as possible. The songs, singing style, poetry recitations, musical instrumentals, martial arts and dances were all very much using a very ancient template and style. However, the performers did so admirably. Traditionalists had happy comments about the originality of the performances…

Age of Literati Dancers doing quick rehearsals and soundcheck at Markham Flato Theater
We are most grateful. We have to thank the audience who were most attentive and appreciative ( we received many comments of appreciation). Special thanks goes out to all our sponsors who were in attendance; also to the sponsorships of The Government of Canada’s, Heritage Canada cultural development and the Celebrate Markham cultural festival funding support. Thank you to all the public audience for your support, including the masters of the artistic content, the Councillors, Mr. Alan Ho, Ms. Nirmala Armstrong; Mr. Tan Geng Member of Parliament, the volunteers and all the great performers’ efforts and dedication.
This Age of Literati Festival ran from September 8 2017 to October 10 2017. A late inclusion to the festival was by popular demand of an Art Contest and Exhibition held at the Scarborough Civic Center on October 8 2017. Ms. Salma Zahid, Member of Parliament was in attendance and gave a very encouraging speech about cultural inclusion and support.

Ms. Salma Zahid, Member of Parliament at Age of Literati 2017 Art Contest
Mr. Jim Karygiannis MP Constituency Office, Toronto, was also in attendance. Many positive comments about the standard of the artwork was offered and the judges had to agree as they took a long time with their decisions.

Lotus. A winning work at the Age of Literati 2017 Art Contest
Canada One Family Network also held a traditional and ancient gathering of equals called an Elegant Gathering at the Varley Art Gallery on September 30th 2017, an Art Exhibition was held with a Guqin ancient musical score demonstration by COFN director Ms. YanYan Zhu. An Elegant Gathering is an activity where Literati equals come together with a Literati Tea Ceremony. Artwork, painting, calligraphy and discussions of culture is exchanged. Mr. Jim Karygiannis, MP Constituency Office, Toronto. Of course, the ever supportive Ms. Nirmala Armstrong, markham Regional Councillor was also in attendance.

Jim KaryGiannis, MP constinuency Scarborough
The Directors of Canada One Family Network, offer our greatest heartfelt gratitude to all our volunteers, calligraphy, art, painting, musicians, tea ceremony masters; volunteers, sponsors and the attending public who made this 2017 year’s Age of Literati the success that it was. Thank you.